Selena Gomez opens up about her health and motherhood
Selena Gomez opens up about her health and motherhood

Selena Gomez has been open about her personal struggles with her health, revealing that these issues could potentially put her life at risk if she were to carry children. In recent interviews, Selena Gomez shared that due to her complex medical conditions, becoming pregnant would pose serious health risks for both her and the baby. This heartfelt revelation is part of her broader effort to speak publicly about her journey and the challenges she has faced, including both physical and mental health struggles. Talking about her struggles, and allowing herself to be so vulnerable, is what makes Selena Gomez such an inspirational pop icon.

Selena Gomez’s primary health concern is Lupus, an autoimmune disease that she was diagnosed with in 2013. Lupus causes the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues, leading to inflammation and damage to organs. For Selena Gomez, this condition became so severe that she required a kidney transplant in 2017 from her best friend Francia Raisa. Lupus can be especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can increase the risk of preeclampsia, kidney failure, and blood clotting, which could be life-threatening for both mother and child. 

Selena Gomez has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Managing this mental health condition involves taking medications, some of which can increase the risk of birth defects or be passed on to a baby through breastfeeding. For this reason, her doctors have advised against her carrying a child. These medical challenges have been difficult for Selena Gomez, and she has spoken openly about the grief she experienced when realizing that pregnancy might not be a safe option for her. However, she has expressed hope about becoming a mother through other means, such as surrogacy or adoption.

For women who face similar health concerns, the journey can be emotionally overwhelming. The desire to have children is deeply personal, and being told that this dream may be out of reach due to medical reasons can take a significant toll on a woman’s mental health. Feelings of loss, grief, and inadequacy are common, as women may struggle with the idea that their bodies are unable to fulfill this biological role. The emotional weight of these challenges can exacerbate anxiety or depression, making it crucial for women to seek support, whether through counseling, support groups, or loved ones.

Selena Gomez’s openness about these struggles highlights her bravery. By sharing her story, she is helping to raise awareness about lupus, bipolar disorder, and the broader impact that chronic illnesses can have on fertility and motherhood. In a society where many celebrities strive to maintain a perfect image, Selena Gomez’s willingness to be vulnerable makes her a powerful advocate for health issues, especially those that affect young women. Her transparency also helps to break the stigma around both physical and mental health conditions, inspiring others to seek help and feel less alone in their struggles.

Selena Gomez’s advocacy extends beyond her personal story. Through her mental health organization Wondermind, she continues to champion mental health awareness, using her platform to destigmatize mental illness and provide resources for those in need. Her courage in addressing these deeply personal topics shows her dedication to helping others, proving that she is not only a role model for her fans but also a voice for those who may feel silenced by their own health struggles. By turning her hardships into a platform for advocacy, Selena Gomez continues to inspire millions around the world. 

Selena Gomez’s health challenges may prevent her from having children in the traditional way, but her strength and resilience in facing these difficulties demonstrate her unwavering commitment to living authentically and advocating for others. Whether through surrogacy or adoption, Selena Gomez remains optimistic about her future as a mother, reminding others that there are different paths to achieving their dreams.

Selena Gomez says she can’t carry children due to health issues, saying having a baby would put her life at risk