Everyone favorite real estate agent Ryan Serhant just wrapped filming on “House of Serhant”

Everyone favorite real estate agent (*snark*) Ryan Serhant has just wrapped filming for his new Netflix show “House of Serhant” that airs in 2024....

You know what’s cool? Virgin Galactic!

You know what’s cool? Virgin Galactic launched three passengers and an instructor to the edge of space last week. You know what’s not cool?...

There’s always stories going around about Taylor Swift

There’s always stories going around about Taylor Swift (which I do my part to help tell), but you know one place you’d never expect...

Guess what Craig is up to now? Yes, that Craig of Craigslist

Guess what Craig is up to now? Yes, that Craig of Craigslist. Craig Newmark is pouring Millions into trying to combat the dark side...

There is a craze sweeping across the entire sports world right now, and its...

There is a craze sweeping across the entire sports world right now, and its name is Pickleball. Now before you roll your eyes, bear...

Lionel Messi’s long search for a humble abode in South Florida has concluded

Stop the presses! The search has ended! Lionel Messi’s long search for a humble abode in South Florida has concluded with the purchase of...

I swear I’m going to stop fanboying about Taylor Swift real soon

I swear I'm going to stop fanboying about Taylor Swift real soon, but I just haven't gotten out of my system yet. The woman...

Did I speak too soon about the FAA’s timeline

Did I speak too soon? The other day I wrote about what I perceived as the FAA holding SpaceX back from being able to...

Chip designer ARM raised $4.87 billion in their IPO

Chip designer ARM, wholly owned by SoftBank, raised $4.87 billion in their IPO in what some are hoping is a thawing of the frozen...

A funny thing happened recently on a podcast of an interview between Kai Ryssdal...

A funny thing happened recently on a podcast of an interview between Kai Ryssdal and Jennifer Pak, Marketplace’s China correspondent. They were walking and...