Move over, Google – ChatGPT is becoming the new go-to for search, and it’s shaking up the search engine landscape.

OpenAI’s conversational AI isn’t just here to chat; it’s gunning for the title of search king, a role Google has comfortably held for over two decades. The question is, can ChatGPT really take on the tech giant, or is this just another case of David vs. Goliath where Goliath doesn’t even break a sweat and crushes the competition?

OpenAI is making waves by positioning ChatGPT as more than just a chatbot; it’s becoming a search engine with a personality. OpenAI is launching its search capabilities just before Google’s annual I/O conference, clearly sending a message that it’s not afraid to play in the big leagues. But let’s be real – Google isn’t exactly shaking in its boots. With a search market share of 91.04% as of 2024, Google is practically synonymous with the word “search”. Google has been the go-to for everything from settling dinner table debates, to diagnosing that weird rash you looked up (I’m not the only one, am I?)

But what sets ChatGPT apart?

For one, ChatGPT is conversational. Instead of throwing a list of blue links at you, it processes information, synthesizes it, and serves it up in neat, human-like responses…most of the time. This conversational approach could be a game-changer, especially for users who are tired of the traditional search format and are looking for something more intuitive and interactive. But, of course, there’s a catch – there always is! Do you really want your search engine to have a personality? Imagine asking about the weather before planning to go to the beach for the day, and getting a sassy response about how you still haven’t finished working on that project you were searching for help on the other day.

OpenAI’s vision is ambitious, but Google isn’t sitting around. I mean, they have geniuses working on these kinds of things all over the world, and they kinda have a 25 year head start on search.

Google has been ramping up their AI efforts, including integrating its own conversational AI into search, something that might leave ChatGPT scrambling to keep up. Google’s vast resources, not to mention its army of engineers (the geniuses I mentioned), are busy incorporating the same features that ChatGPT offers while still benefiting from its de facto position as leader in search.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom for ChatGPT. While Google dominates traditional search, ChatGPT might carve out a niche for itself, particularly among users who value more nuanced and context-rich responses. And let’s not forget, ChatGPT isn’t just about search – it’s part of a larger AI ecosystem that includes writing assistance, code generation, and more. In other words, it’s not just about taking on Google in search; it’s about redefining what a search engine can be.

So, will ChatGPT dethrone Google? It’s a tall order, and while OpenAI might have some clever tricks up its sleeve, it’s going to take more than witty banter, a sarcastic response, and cute conversations to topple Google. For now, Google can rest easy, but it might want to keep an eye on this new contender – because if nothing else, ChatGPT is making the search industry a whole lot more interesting. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll ask, “What’s the best search engine?” and ChatGPT will be there to humbly reply, “Me, obviously.”

OpenAI is taking on Google with a new artificial intelligence search engine