I have a running joke with my wife that someday when we retire to a tropical island in the Caribbean we’re going to buy a cute Bed & Breakfast on the beach and run it ourselves. Now, there’s no possible way my wife is EVER going to do that, and I’m practically allergic to the idea of cleaning, but it’s fun to get a rise out of her. It turns out one man had a similar idea, but he actually went through with it.

Matt Rogatz hit a wall in his career after closing over 400 real estate transactions totaling more than $750 million, and he was facing a midlife crisis…so he decided to buy a hotel, because I mean what else can you do in that situation?

With no experience in the hotel industry, but knowing a thing or two about real estate, he found an old hotel that was in good shape but a bit dated, so he began fixing it up and reopened just after Covid. I don’t want to ruin the story, but things took off from there. He ended up buying a couple more properties, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned about midlife crisis its that you should always lean in and embrace them! LOL 

Some people buy a car during a midlife crisis. This man bought a hotel instead