OMG have I ever told you how much I LOVE goats?!?!

When I read this story, I turned to my wife and asked, “Can we adopt a goat?” She’s used to these kinds of questions from me, and had a quick “No” ready to respond, then I showed her this article…and that still didn’t convince her but at least I tried.

The remote Italian island of Alicudi has about 100 full time residents, and in a good year they have only about 100 wild goats. This isn’t a good year.

There are now an estimated 600+ wild goats overwhelming the small island. Now the residents of the small Italian island of Alicudi are offering a free goat to anyone who can catch them.

The “adopt-a-goat” program is pretty simple – you can keep any goats you can catch, as long as you take the goats off the island. It’s that simple. As you can imagine, the residents of this small island have had enough of these goats eating everything on the island, and they just want them gone!

So if you don’t have any plans for this Summer, consider taking a trip to the Italian island of Alicudi and pick up as many goats as you can carry.

Italian island overrun by goats is offering them free to anyone who can catch them