There’s childish, then there’s grown-ass men modifying their diesel trucks to “roll coal” and own the Libs. If you’re not familiar with these tools, “rolling coal” is when a diesel truck peels out and spews a black cloud of smoke from their exhaust. 

In this article CNBC defines “rolling coal” as the “practice of tampering with a vehicle’s emissions control system, causing it to spew black clouds of sooty exhaust.” They usually have “a tampering device to pump more diesel into a vehicle’s engine than it can handle, leading it to spew out sooty black clouds of exhaust that pollute the air.”
This adolescent practice usually targets EV owners, such as Tesla and Prius, and the offending infants will pull in front of the EV, or peel out at an EV charging station, and spew black smoke from their exhaust. Like we said, childish.

Now the DOJ has sued eBay for selling the devices, which I don’t think is the right approach because eBay is just a marketplace for buyers and sellers. If the DOJ serious they’d go after the manufacturers and the countries that are exporting these devices.

DOJ sues eBay for selling ‘rolling coal’ devices; fines could hit $2 billion