Guess what Craig is up to now? Yes, that Craig of Craigslist. Craig Newmark is pouring Millions into trying to combat the dark side of AI (good luck with that). IMO the genie is out of the bottle, the robots have already won before the 1st battle has been fought, and I for one am ready to pack up, grab my go-bag, and head for the mountains (but that’s probably just because I’ve never met a conspiracy theory I didn’t like). 

Craig brings up great points, and I don’t want to diminish them, but the idea of some rich tech dude pouring Millions of dollars he can afford to lose into trying to fight AI, when a bunch of Billionaires (*cough* Elon Musk) have much bigger wallets and are racing full speed ahead with AI that can steer Teslas, I’m just saying any amount of money spent trying to stop AI is going to be like pissing in the ocean.

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark is pouring millions of dollars into combating AI’s dark side