I have a confession to make. I’m a chocolate lover! 

There, I said it!

And you know who else loves chocolate? The rest of the world!

Because of growing demand for chocolate, and mix in a healthy dose of inflation, cocoa prices are hitting sky-high records.

A perfect storm of factors is brewing in the cocoa market: bad weather, supply chain hiccups, and a global hunger for chocolate goodies are all driving prices through the roof. 

So what does this mean for you my fellow chocolate loves? 

Brace yourself for higher prices at the checkout counter, my friends. 

And for chocolate companies, it’s a bitter pill to swallow (pun intended). They’re facing tough decisions on how to absorb these rising costs without losing their sweet profits (punning again). 

Looks like we’ll all have to savor our chocolatey delights a little more sparingly as we navigate these cocoa price woes, or just dip into your cash reserves – I mean chocolate craving counts as an emergency, right?

Cocoa prices are soaring to record levels. What it means for consumers and why ‘the worst is still yet to come’