I think I found one thing that all Americians, strike that – all human beings can agree on: cancer sucks! 

So when I read that Google has partnered with the Pentagon to build an AI-powered microscope to spot cancer I felt that giddy joy that comes from reading William Gibson sci-fi novels. Their goal has been to use AI to quickly analyze the tumor to determine how aggressive the form of cancer is, so they can make a better informed decision to pursue surgery and chemotherapy. 

So why is Google investing in AI to fight cancer? How could that possibly help their bottom line you ask? Well, for one, Google needs humans around if they’re going to show them ads and monetize every human being on earth. It also doesn’t hurt that to mention that Google has been researching how it can help fight cancer for decades, and if there’s one thing Google is good at it’s research. They’ve even filed a patent application for a device which would be worn on the wrist and could destroy cancer cells in the blood. By now combining all of that research, with their experience in AI, just imagine how profitable curing or even giving greater odds to fight cancer could be for Google’ bottom line. 

So maybe all those doom & gloom conspiracy theorists were wrong that AI was going to rise up and kill the human race. Turns out AI might actually save humanity by helping to fight cancer. 

Google and the Pentagon are building an AI-powered microscope to spot cancer