So that company behind Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, otherwise known to the world as Meta, has made a big move. 

They’re putting the brakes on political content. 

Reactions to this are all over the map. Some folks are saying it’s about time, but others are worried. They’re concerned this could stifle important conversations about social and political issues. 

Creators, in particular, are feeling the heat. They’re wondering how these changes will affect their reach and engagement, especially if they rely on Instagram to discuss these topics. 

This decision really brings into focus the ongoing debate about how much control social media companies should have over what we see and talk about online.

As a new content creator who “tries” to be as active as I can in the conversations on social media, I know how hard it is to walk the fine line between covering the business behind the news and not wading too deep into politics. That said, I’m divided on what role social media companies should play in policing their platforms and filter political news. 

I couldn’t be more laissez faire when it comes to the government’s involvement in business, so I’ll stick to my values and what my moral compass is telling me is right when I post my content to social media.

Some creators say they’re frustrated after Instagram starts limiting political content recommendations