Cold weather. No one is ever really a fan of it. Sure, some of us love snow, but not usually the bitter cold that comes along with it. And you know who else hates the cold weather? Tesla owners.

If you own a Tesla electric vehicle you’ve probably been cursing the bitter cold that has been gripping the upper Midwest and Northeast the last few weeks.

While owners of gas-powered vehicles have long known the effects cold nights can have on batteries that sometimes need a jumpstart in the mornings, it’s not that simple for Tesla owners who’ve been waking up to find their cars dead without the ability to “jump start” them.

The cold weather is socking Tesla owners with a double punch. First, it takes a lot longer to recharge when it’s cold out; sometimes taking twice as long according to some Tesla owners. Second, batteries lose their charge faster when it’s cold out, so that is contributing to less range for EVs. In some cases EV owners have seen their range estimates drop by 70% in cold weather. Third, we as humans love to use heat when it’s cold out, and nothing drains an EV’s battery quicker than cranking up the HVAC and enjoying that heat that pumps out of your car’s vents.

Sure, there are some tips that Tesla and EV owners can follow to better handle the frigid temperatures we’ve been experiencing, like warming up your vehicle while it’s still charging, using the “defrost car” setting on the Tesla app before trying to open a frozen charging port door, and planning for an extended charge time when traveling.

But at the end of the day, an electric vehicle like a Tesla is still just a vehicle, and like the rest of us the cold weather will always zap our energy. 

How cold temperatures are affecting Teslas, other electric vehicles


MrBeast and Elon Musk are having a quarrel over ad-revenue sharing on X/Twitter. If you’re a content creator you should care.

It’s no secret that Elon Musk looks up to MrBeast. He’s a wildly successful self-made content creator, turned businessman, turned social media darling that everyone loves. You can see why Elon Musk comes off as a little jealous of MrBeast, who’s real name is James Stephen Donaldson, or Jimmy Donaldson to his friends, but it’s a lot more fun to just call him MrBeast if you ask me.

And MrBeast has always been a big fan of Elon Musk’s genius and success at both Tesla and SpaceX, but it turns out not so much at X/Twitter.

Recently these two frenemies have been bickering publicly over MrBeast releasing his videos on Elon Musk’s X/Twitter. MrBeast contends that he wouldn’t make anywhere near as much releasing his videos on X/Twitter as he does launching them on YouTube.

In a post on X/Twitter MrBeast wrote a response to a user who asked him to upload his videos to the X/Twitter platform:

“My videos cost millions to make and even if they got a billion views on X it wouldn’t fund a fraction of it. I’m down though to test stuff once monetization is really cranking!” 

He then followed up by posting one of his recent YouTube videos called ‘$1 Car vs $100,000,000 Car!!!’ and wrote:

“I’m curious how much ad revenue a video on X would make so I’m reuploading this to test it. Will share ad rev next week ❤️”

Then 4 days went by and the video surpassed 100 Million views, to which he wrote:

“100M views? Dang lol” 

MrBeast might be laughing now, but I’m guessing Elon Musk is grinning like Dr. Evil sitting high up on his X/Twitter throne now. 

MrBeast Shares First Video on X to Test Elon Musk’s Ad-Revenue Scheme