If you’ve ever watched YouTube you know who MrBeast is.

He’s the guy who’s been making headlines for his jaw-dropping stunts and philanthropic ventures. But here’s the kicker: MrBeast, aka Jimmy Donaldson, isn’t just making videos in his office. He also lives there! 

You heard that right. According to a recent article in Business Insider, MrBeast has been crashing in his office space for months. 

Why would someone with millions of subscribers choose to bunk at work? 

Well, it turns out it’s all about efficiency. By living where he works, MrBeast says he’s able to focus more on creating content and spends less time commuting. Plus, it’s a smart financial move, cutting down on living expenses. 

So does living in your office impact your love life? Turns out not so much.

MrBeast still has his own apartment where he can hangout with his girlfriend when he’s not making videos and being the most popular YouTuber of all time.

MrBeast Lives at His Office