In a real-life drama mirroring the hit HBO series “Succession,” media titan Rupert Murdoch attempted to alter the family trust that controls his vast media empire, including the conservative powerhouse Fox News. The goal, as reported, was to grant his eldest son, Lachlan Murdoch, sole control after his passing, potentially ensuring the continuation of Fox News’ editorial direction.
Nevada court commissioner recently threw a wrench into those plans, ruling against Rupert Murdoch’s request. According to a sealed document obtained by The New York Times, the commissioner found that both Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch acted in “bad faith” during their attempt to amend the irrevocable trust.
This decision means that control of the Murdoch media empire, including Fox News, will be divided equally among Rupert Murdoch’s four eldest children after his death. Lachlan Murdoch remains the head of Fox News and News Corp for now. While Rupert Murdoch’s legal team has expressed their intention to appeal the ruling, the future control and direction of Fox News remains uncertain.
This court case raises several questions about the future of Fox News.
The division of control among the four Murdoch children could potentially lead to a shift in the network’s editorial direction. If some siblings hold different political views, there may be pressure to moderate Fox News’ conservative slant.
The fight for control of the trust also highlights potential tensions within the Murdoch family. It remains to be seen whether the siblings will be able to work together effectively to manage the media empire.
While Lachlan Murdoch currently holds the position of head of Fox News and News Corp, the court case could embolden other family members to challenge his leadership in the future.
Only time will tell how this legal battle will ultimately impact Fox News. However, it’s clear that the network’s future is less certain than Rupert Murdoch might have hoped.
Rupert Murdoch loses battle to control succession to his media empire