Oh, the drama when Hollywood meets Silicon Valley! Just when you thought the world of artificial intelligence couldn’t get more thrilling, along comes Scarlett Johansson, starring in the latest episode of “Celebrities vs. Tech Giants.” Our protagonist, Scarlett Johansson, is fuming over what she sees as the great voice heist of the 21st century. The villain? None other than the tech whiz behind OpenAI, Sam Altman.

Let’s dive into this riveting tale made for Hollywood. Scarlett Johansson, an actress known for her many talents and unique voice, has suddenly found herself embroiled in a tech scandal. According to Scarlett Johansson, OpenAI has daringly pilfered her voice to create a ChatGPT model, presumably because there’s nothing more lifelike than a slightly annoyed Scarlett Johansson bot ready to answer your deepest, darkest questions about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But why would OpenAI want to use Scarlett Johansson’s voice for their new OpenAI voice model? Hmmm, could it have anything to do with Scarlett Johansson’s role as the voice of Samantha, an advanced artificial intelligence operating system, in the 2013 film “Her”?!?!

The film “Her” is set in a near-future Los Angeles and centers around Theodore Twombly, played by Joaquin Phoenix, who’s a lonely, introverted man who develops a deep emotional and romantic relationship with his AI assistant Samantha. Scarlett Johansson’s performance, although entirely vocal, is pivotal in bringing Samantha to life. Her voice conveys warmth, curiosity, and evolving emotions, making the AI seem remarkably human. As Samantha and Theodore grow closer, they explore complex themes of love, identity, and the nature of consciousness. Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal was crucial in making Samantha a believable and emotionally resonant character, despite her lack of physical presence in the film.

Flashback to present day, and Scarlett Johansson isn’t holding back her fury, describing her reaction in interviews as one of shock and dismay upon discovering that her voice had been “ripped off.” OpenAI, clearly aiming for authenticity in their AI interactions, apparently decided that Scarlett Johansson’s sultry voice was a perfect fit for their latest AI voice model. Because, after all, when you’re asking an AI for the weather, you definitely want to feel like you’re in a smoky New York jazz bar chatting with an A-list celebrity.

In a stunning twist, Sam Altman, the ever-so-apologetic CEO of OpenAI, extended a gracious offer to Scarlett Johansson: a chance to collaborate and, presumably, get paid for it. But Scarlett Johansson, standing firm in her principles and undoubtedly tired of tech moguls trying to buy their way out of trouble, declined. Instead, she’s taking the high road, possibly with her lawyers in tow, because what’s a celebrity scandal without a potential courtroom drama?

Sam Altman, in his infinite wisdom, must have thought this offer was a generous peace offering. Perhaps he envisioned Johansson jumping at the chance to lend her voice to AI on her own terms. But alas, Scarlett is not so easily appeased. She seems to believe that merely asking for forgiveness and offering a collaboration deal does not erase the blatant appropriation of her vocal essence. Go figure!

Meanwhile, OpenAI continues to bask in the glory of their cutting-edge technology, perhaps hoping that this PR blip will blow over faster than you can say “AI ethics.” The company, known for its innovation and occasional disregard for personal boundaries, is no stranger to controversy. But with Scarlett Johansson, they might have met their match.

OpenAI pulls ChatGPT AI voice that sounded like Scarlett Johansson